Total Visits : good hits | Date & Time : Saturday, July 27, 2024   |



“Education breeds confidence, confidence breeds hope, hope breeds peace”- Confucious

It gives me immense pleasure and a feeling of accomplishment to address you as the Principal of this prestigious institution. Since it’s inception in 1995 the college has been striving towards maintaining high academic standards and excellence in the field of Under Graduate studies. We are committed to providing our students with a wide variety of opportunities in order to help them attain their highest potentials.

The father of the nation rightly said “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in ths service of others”. Firmly believing in our core values of Courage, Compassion, Equality and Integrity we at Haji Ajmal Ali College aim to nurture our students to face the competitive society with value-based knowledge and skills that have contributed towards the growth and vision in building a good human being.

Teamwork is the hallmark of HAAC. I am very sure through collaborative effort, we can achieve more to benefit our students who are the future leaders of tomorrow. 

I wish everyone to become successful in life with the values aligned. The growth of each individual student is our focus. Our motto to excellence is work together and learn together to achieve the best.


With sincere and warm regards.

Mukutar R. Saikia, M.A, M.Phil, SET, Ph.D (pursuing)
